This week saw a few things to give us hope.
Firstly and most crucially, the man who murdered George Floyd was found guilty. The news told us that it was the first time in all of Minnesota’s history that a white police officer was convicted of killing a black man, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if it weren’t the first instance of that in our whole country ... or at least one of the first.* Coupled with a recent story of a black female officer who had been fired for stopping a white officer from killing a black suspect and finally won her lawsuit restoring her back pay and pension,** could this indicate things are actually changing for the better? It’s hard to say. Certainly we can’t say things are all better now. Certainly we have much farther to go. But a journey of a thousand miles, as they say, starts with a single step. Even if all we have for now is that step, surely that’s still a good sign ... right?
As far as the actual pandemic goes, the vaccines are here, and finally it’s getting easier to get them. In our household, there’s one appointment made, and one actual initial dose receive
* An article from USA Today suggests it might be the sixth. In our 250-year history.
** This actually happened last week, but this week’s events put me in mind of it.