After over a decade of researching the various holidays that exist at this time of year, I feel uniquely qualified to offer you the most diverse set of season’s greetings you’re likely to receive this year. Here they are, in roughly chronological order of the establishment of the holiday. Please believe that I sincerely extend unto you each sentiment, as serious or silly as each might be. To you and yours, I wish you all:
Merry meet! (more about Solstice)
Shalom Aleichem! (more about Hanukkah)
Yazdaan Panaah Baad (more about Zartosht No-Diso)
Merry Christmas! (more about Christmas)
Greetings on Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (more about Sol Invictus)
Habari gani? (more about Kwanzaa)
Jai Ganapati! (more about Pancha Ganapati)
Happy Festivus! (more on Festivus)
Merry Christmahannukwanzaakah!
Happy Candlenights! (more about Candlenights)
May you all know joy in all that comes your way.