Sunday, December 22, 2019

A season's greeting musical update

Well, it’s nearly Christmas again, and so time to wish you a merry christmahannukwanzaakah.*  As I apparently only do new Christmas mixes every 5 years, I guess it’s not time for volume III of my excellent collection of holiday classics Yuletidal Pools.  Which is a shame.  But I’ll offer you the next best thing: minor updates to volumes I & II.

One creates one’s mixes with the best of intentions, and the belief that they will last forever.  Alas, every now and again you find that something you were sure you were going to love always is starting to grate on your nerves a bit.  To that end, I’ve found that two of the tracks I picked for Yuletidal Pools (one on each volume, as it happens) aren’t really working for me any more.  So I’ve updated the tracklists with new replacement tunes.

For volume I, I’ve replaced “My First Xmas, as a Woman” with “Merry Christmas I Fucked Your Snowman” by Botson punks the Showcase Showdown.  A bit of a risky move, as, in a few more years, the latter may begin to annoy me as much as the former has begun to.  But it seemed an appropos swap, and it really is a fun little tune, if a bit over-the-top.

For volume II, I found that “Xmas at K-Mart” began to grate on my nerves as much as it always has my family’s.  So I replaced it with the much slicker “Santa’s Lost His Mojo,” by the Lost Fingers.**  It’s less of a 1-for-1 swap, but I think it still flows pretty nicely in the same spot, and it’s certainly a much nicer tune to listen to.

So there’s a least a couple of new tracks for ya.  And, if you hadn’t yet discovered my Christmas mix, it’s two full sets that you can enjoy as an antidote to the typical holiday pablum that your ears are currently being assaulted with.  You can thank me later.

Wishing everyone the best, and wondering if I’ll actually manage a full post between Christmas and New Year’s ... happy holidays, you guys.  Take care.


* As always, ™ previous co-worker Jon Sime.
** And thanks to new co-worker Max for letting me know about those guys.