Sunday, June 2, 2024

I am standing at the edge of my mind

Not too much going on this week, yet somehow I’m exhausted.  I suspect I’m just not getting good sleep.  Probably need to invest in one of those sleep trackers.  Although it’s an interesting question: would knowing that I’m not sleeping well help me sleep better?  Or would it just get in my head and make me so worried about not getting good sleep that it would further impact my sleep?

Perhaps the mere fact that I’ve asked such a question reveals that I spend way too much time thinking about things like that.  So I dunno.  I reckon we’ll just have to see what happens.


  1. You may want to have a sleep study done. My husband was recently diagnosed with major sleep apnea and has been using a CPAP for about a month. The improvement in his alertness, mood, ability to very noticeable (and he should continue to improve over the next few months). I had no idea he had sleep apnea: he had mild snoring, but nothing that sounded worrisome. Turns out he just stops breathing 97 times an hour.

  2. Oh, I've done the study, and I got the machine, and I use it every night. But the problem is, that was several years ago, and now I need a new one, which means I need to get a new study, which is proving to be a pain in the ass. 😕 But I'll get it done soon.
