Sunday, December 5, 2021

Witchlight Wild Launch

This week my youngest (not quite yet 10 years old) officially started her first D&D campaign (the Witchlight campaign, which I alluded to in a previous post).  She’s very excited about it.  And, so far, she’s doing a great job, youth and limited familiarity with the voluminous rules notwithstanding.

As I mentioned previously, I’m going with my dinosaur-person.  Our middle child (who I still sometimes refer to as “the Smaller Animal,” even though he’s now a good bit taller than me) is being a sort of a blob-like creature called a plasmoid.  Meanwhile, the youngest is running a character to help us out who is a small mouse-person called a jerbeen.  So our party looks something like this:

So far, we’ve met each other (which was fairly entertaining), and then we found the Witchlight Carnival and met its proprietors, Mr. Witch and Mr. Light (naturally).  Our first mission is to find a missing pink unicorn.  Should be a piece of cake.

I’m pretty excited for the adventure, and I’m excited to see what modifications the girl will make to the published adventure.  Changing things up to suit yourself or your players is pretty standard for experienced DMs, but newbies often try to run the adventure exactly as written.  But our girl has already thrown in several of her own touches (I know this because she proudly announces it whenever she does so).  So I’m excited to see where things go from here.

A more extensive post next week, and more news from the Witchlight trail as I have it.